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Mother Teresa -Paragraph

Mother Teresa is a famous parson.Now we will read a paragraph about Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa -Paragraph --> She founded a home for the poor named "Nirmal Hriday" at Kalighat which became the shelter of the sufferers. She started an orphanage in 1953. In 1957 she and her missionaries of charity began to work with the lepers. Their activities have now been spread all over the world.  In 1973 she was awarded the Nobel Prize for peace. Mother Teresa died in september 5, 1997.  She will be rememberd for her Divine love for the children and the Dying Destitute. We hope Mother Teresa -Paragraph will help you as you need. mother teresa, mother teresa  paragraph , mother teresa  paragraph writing, mother teresa  paragraph structure, mother teresa  paragraph symbol, mother teresa  english paragraph structure, mother teresa  english paragraph writing, mother teresa  english...