Environment is the most important factor of our life.Fresh environment is the precondition of our sound life.But the environment we live in is not fresh.It is polluted.The three factors of our environment water,air and sound are polluted for many reasons.Air is polluted mainly by the smoke that comes out from the chimneys of the factories and from motor cars,buses etc.Water is polluted by chemicals,insecticides,waste material of mills and factories, fuel oil, food waste and human waste etc. Which are thrown into water and mixed with it sound pollution caused by the indiscriminate use of hydraulic horn and loud rpeaker leads to deafness and creates many other health problems.Thus environment pollution threatens man with life causing a lot of harms.We should not allow this situation to continue.Positive steps should be taken to prevent environment pollution.
We will read a paragraph about A Stormy Night. Lats go for read. A Stormy Night -Paragraph A stormy night is a fearful one. In a stormy night the wind blows violently and it rains continuously. The whole sky is overcast with clouds. There is terrible sound all around. Thunderbolts and flashes of lighting frighten the people. Thunderbolts hit our ears. It seems everything is getting crashed. Sometimes nature appears to be less violent but it is only for a moment. Generally the storm lasts for two or three hours. After the storm a scene of havoc is seen all around. Many houses are blown away and many people become homeless and helpless. Trees and plants are uprooted and many branches are broken down. A great deal of property is destroyed. Sometimes human lives are lost in a stormy night. After all, a stormy night is accursed night of fear and destruction. We hope this paragraph will help you a lot of.thank you for read A Stormy Night ...
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